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Choose Between Steam Boiler and Thermal Oil Boiler


Many customers will worry about the steam boiler or the thermal oil boiler which is more suitable. So how do we choose? Let's compare the steam boiler with the thermal oil boiler.

1. Structure comparison.

The steam boiler has three kinds of heat exchange structures: the water tube boiler, fire tube boiler, and water and fire tube boiler. The common is water and fire tube boiler. Large tonnage boilers generally are water tube boilers. The thermal oil boiler is mainly of coil structure, with three or four layers of the coil according to the boiler capacity. The oil-fired gas fired hot oil boiler is used circular coils, and the coal-fired biomass boiler is a square coil. Compared with the steam boiler, the thermal efficiency of the heat transfer oil boiler is 3% ~ 5% lower.

2. Boiler medium comparison

The steam boiler is to heat water into steam, the steam as the carrier of heat to provide heat for the production line, used for drying and heating, and so on. The steam temperature is generally 220 ℃, and the maximum temperature can reach 450 ℃ if the superheater is added. The water is easy to obtain, but the water treatment system is needed to treat the hardness of the water quality to the requirements before it can be put into use. The thermal oil boiler uses the organic medium as a heat carrier to provide heat energy for the production line, which is used for drying, heating, softening, etc. The maximum temperature is 320 ℃. The medium needs high-quality heat transfer oil, and various problems will occur if the quality is not good. Affect the use of the boiler.

3. System comparison

Steam boiler system consists of boiler body, water treatment system, electric control system, water circulation system (water tank, expansion water tank, circulating water pump, feed pump, etc.), sewage system, energy-saving, and emission reduction system (economizer, dust remover, slag remover, etc.). Interlocking protection system, etc.

Thermal oil boiler system boiler body, hot oil circulation system (oil storage tank, expansion tank, high-temperature oil pump, etc.), electric control system, energy-saving, and emission reduction system, interlock protection system, etc.

4. Operation comparison

The steam boiler belongs to pressure equipment. If the operation is improper, it is easy to cause a boiler explosion. Because of the flammability of the medium, the heat transfer oil boiler is easy to burn due to leakage under high-temperature conditions. When the thermal oil boiler starts, it needs to heat the medium oil for a long time. the boiler off may have a great impact on production. Therefore. We need to be very careful in choosing the boiler operator. The so-called technology industry has its own specialty, so does the furnace workers.

5. Industry comparison

In theory, most of the industries in which steam boilers can be used can be replaced by thermal oil boilers. However, because of the particularity of the heat transfer oil boiler. At present, it is not as widely used as a steam boiler. Of course, in some sites, the thermal oil boiler is more advantageous.

The above is the comparison between the steam boiler and heat-transfer oil boiler that we have prepared for you. Is it helpful for you? If you have any questions about the boiler, you can contact us.

ZOZEN is an industrial boiler manufacturer engaged in boiler production and sales for 30 years. ZOZEN always takes the mission of "manufacturing your boiler, making you and your enterprise more dynamic".

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