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How to use industrial boilers in paper mills to improve economic benefits


The traditional papermaking industry is the key industry of pollution discharge, and it is also a big consumer of energy consumption. The content of COD and suspended solids (SS) in papermaking wastewater is high and the chroma is serious. Chinese papermaking enterprises are generally small in scale, backward in equipment, and consume more energy in production process, among which coal consumption per unit product is higher than electricity consumption per unit product. It can be seen that the industrial boiler of paper mill has become one of the important factors restricting its economic benefit.

1、 Low energy efficiency in the paper industry and problems caused by paper mill boilers?

According to the investigation and research of professional investigation institutions, at present, the average energy utilization rate (equal value) - the average of paper mills equipped with boiler conversion system is about 35%, and the average of directly purchased heat is about 42%. The average efficiency of boiler is about 68% and that of power transformer is about 98.9%; The average daily load rate is about 68%, which is generally low; The efficiency of transmission line is generally 98%, the average thermal efficiency of motor is 94%, the average efficiency of water pump unit is about 72%, and the average efficiency of thermal pipeline is about 99.7%.

2、 Efficiency improvement is a magic weapon. High efficiency of industrial boiler in paper mill is the key

The main energy consumed by the paper industry is steam. At present, most paper enterprises use the steam generated by coal-fired boilers as energy. Central heating can improve the energy utilization rate of enterprises. Paying attention to improving boiler energy efficiency from the following aspects is also the key way to develop circular economy.

1. Select the appropriate energy supply mode of industrial boilers in paper mills. For the areas of paper mills or paper enterprises with steam consumption of more than 20t / h, cogeneration or central heating can be adopted to eliminate small boilers with low energy efficiency. The cascade utilization of superheated steam can be realized through cogeneration. The steam generated by back pressure steam turbine generator unit can be used in process production.

2. Maximizing the thermal efficiency of the industrial boiler of the paper mill and improving the thermal efficiency of the industrial boiler of the paper mill can be realized by recovering the condensed water to improve the boiler feed water temperature, or the steam can be used in steps to reduce the steam consumption. At present, the moisture content of domestic paper enterprises before entering the dryer is close to 40%.

You can send an email about the purchasing skills of paper mill boilers kathy@zozen.com Or consult online customer service, and we will discuss the industrial boiler solution of paper mill together.

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